Fairfield Police Report – August 1-7, 2022 | FCT News

2022-08-13 00:54:19 By : Ms. Lianghong Duan

Posted by admin | Aug 12, 2022 | Courthouse News | 0 |

by Chief of Police David Utsey

Monday, Aug. 1st 11:48 AM-Sgt. Markham on report of truck broke down in roadway. 2:00 PM-Sgt. Markham and Cpl. Scarrow on report of unruly customer. 6:55 PM-Officer Ashley to meet a complainant. 7:02 PM-Cpl. Scarrow on welfare check, subject was of.

Tuesday, Aug. 2nd 1:46 PM-Cpl. Scarrow on report of subject driving away from gas pump with gas hose still stuck in the tank. 5:53 PM-Cpl. Scarrow on report of alarm going off. 5:59 PM-Officer Ashley assist EMS on medical emergency. 8:01 PM-Officer Ashley and Scarrow to ER on unruly subject.

Wednesday, Aug. 3rd 1:39 AM-Officer Ashley on suspicious vehicle. 8:50 AM-Sgt. Markham to meet a complainant. 10:24 AM-Sgt. Markham on report of verbal domestic disturbance. 2:37 PM-Sgt. Markham on report of door-to-door salesman. 10:00 PM-Officer Alexander to meet a complainant.

Thursday, Aug. 4th 9:45 AM-Sgt. Markham on report of someone knocking on door, was unable to locate. 3:54 PM-Sgt. Markham on report of suspicious person. 6:30 PM-Officer Alexander on report of truck broke down in the roadway. 7:29 PM-Officer Alexander on report of alarm going off.

Friday, Aug. 5th 11:08 AM-Sgt. Markham and Assistant Chief Gallegos on report of cattle truck wreck, some of cows did not make it. 1:28 PM-Officer Scarrow, Sgt. Markham, and Assistant chief Gallegos on report of subject causing problems, subject arrested. 3:02 PM-Cpl. Scarrow to meet a complainant. 3:33 PM-Cpl. Scarrow on report of minor wreck. 8:01 PM-Officer Ashley and Scarrow on burglary of motor vehicle. 9:05 PM-Officer Ashley on report of reckless driver. 9:34 PM-Officer Ashley on report of alarm going off.

Saturday, Aug. 6th 1:25 PM-Cpl. Price on report of verbal domestic disturbance. 7:53 PM-Cpl. Scarrow assist Deputy on traffic stop. 9:49 PM-Officer Ashley on report of alarm going off. 10:41 PM-Officer Ashley on report of suspicious subjects in cemetery.

Sunday, Aug. 7th 6:35 AM-Cpl. Price on report of alarm going off. 9:12 PM-Officer Ashley on report of suspicious subject crawling into a culvert, advised he was homeless and had nowhere else to go.

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